The Bible talks about the hearts of many growing cold in the last days and many believe, including myself, that we are in those days. I struggle with the thought of evaluating whether we are in the last days or how close we are to apocalyptic events because Jesus told us that no one knew when these events would occur except the father. But, He also told us that just like people are aware of seasonal changes that we should be aware of the impending season. It seems like the impending season is one that is leading to end time events. Many people have also told me that feeling that we are in the last days is a sentiment that has been shared by every generation of the church since Jesus went back to heaven.

Trying to keep true to biblical teaching I struggle with how to approach what my attitude should be towards end time events. It has always been an area of biblical study that has fascinated me and intrigued me, but I am always conflicted with giving it too much attention. There is, of course, the alternative view of not giving it enough attention also. So, what’s the right attitude. I know that God wants us to understand that we are sojourners in this world and that in light of eternity our lives are fleeting, but a vapor. I also believe that we can be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. We are told to not get caught off guard when Jesus comes and be about His business.

I believe we are to be prepared for heaven at any moment while keeping focused on the task at hand. I know that I often feel the angst of not being home and just wanting to bypass this life process and get to glory in heaven. I remember back to when I was first saved. God gave me this voracious appetite for the word and I studied and quickly came to the conclusion that heaven was great and if so then let’s go. I’m ready. Let’s go to heaven right now. God quickly centered me and put on my heart that yes it’s great, but there is work to be done first. So, I have been trying to be hard at work since, but it is easy for me to get caught up in news and events that make me think that event is significant and we just became closer to Jesus coming back.

With that in mind, I just think that we are close. I am not one of those people that is going to predict a date or anything like that, but I think that we are close. As i say it the thought comes into my head that I could easily live out my life with many more years and Jesus may not have come back yet. I understand that I do not have the context of God and again that many have thought over the last 2000 years that He is coming soon, but I have studied the Bible and it just seems that events are lining up quickly. In addition, I work with people every day and it feels as though I have a front row seat for the demise of our culture and our world.

Things that the Bible predicted are occurring. As we talked about initially, it appears that depravity is increasing. Also, there is an extreme polarization of world views. There is no middle ground anymore. There are those that love Jesus and those that are very antagonistic to Him. The economic landscape is scary to me. I believe that we could be on the precipice of major economic hardship, if not worse, on a global level. Israel is being increasingly isolated from most of the world and their increased stature makes them more of a target every day. I also believe that the United States has been a guardian to Israel for many years and I see a trend where they are becoming less supportive. All this and more give me a sense that we are close. The question is are we ready?

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