I am constantly amazed about the double standard that exists within our culture today as it pertains to the relative viewpoint. The most shocking part is that the most astounding contradictions come from alleged Christians. Maybe, i shouldn’t use the word alleged because it is not my job to question the salvation of others that profess to be Christians, but I am not questioning redemption I am questioning sanctification. I am questioning the way our Christian lives are lived out. I find myself falling into certain cultural traps even though I truly attempt to be as Spirit filled as possible and I want to live as much as possible as God would have me live. It’s not easy. I think that we all get jaded and we are all effected by personal biases and personal agendas, but I know that this is an area that I constantly have to allow the Holy Spirit to adjust my thinking and I think that adjustment only occurs when we seek it. I have to seek God’s standard and remove bias from myself as much as possible.

The Bible states that as people we do not lack for knowledge, but we lack for doing. I think that it has become more popular these days to alter and reinterpret knowledge and then, of course, the accepted doing is consequently altered. A culture that is dominated by relativism has managed to make the church and Christianity somewhat relative. The problem is that God is not relative. He is absolute and therefore his teachings and his commandments are absolute also. This rubs against the grain of a culture that wants to state that absolutes are oppressive and restrictive unless of course it is the absolute that everything is relative and that our worldview and consequently lifestyle can and should be determined by personal preference.

I expect this from the unsaved world because they are driven by the worldly culture that is controlled by the prince of this world. I am surprised, though, by the amount of professing Christians that either turn their back on the teachings of the Bible or reinterpret them to appease a personal agenda. I have a dear friend who is African American and he was appalled by many of his supposed Christian brothers who voted for Obama because he was African American even though they totally disagreed with his clearly socialistic policies. I have a family member who has voted strictly from a certain bias for many years because of his connection to organized labor despite the fact that he knows the agenda that he supports is against a Godly worldview. i have another friend who is a Christian, but he refuses to support a Godly social agenda because of a history of abuse from Christian legalism.

These are the types of things that occur because of relativism. The truth is skewed for the sake of personal preference and comfort. God and His grace do not have an opportunity to do the work that He has promised He will do in the lives of His people because His promises and His message are diluted. There are absolute truths and without them we flounder. We may not see them as compromise, but they are. Without absolutes there is not a firm foundation to hold onto and then to build on. Relativism is the proverbial shifting sand. Relativism is convenient and it is satisfies a desire inside of us to be in control, but the truth is we are not in control. Any security we think we gain is false and fleeting unless it comes from the absolute truths of God. Relativism actually destroys the thing that it vehemently defends, freedom, and instead trades it for oppression and reliance on a ever changing standard that requires a constant altering of who we are to maintain a facade of peace. A peace that can only be achieved by a never changing standard from a never changing God.

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