A Paradox is two apparently mutually exclusive and opposite thoughts or ideals that are both true at the same time. Recently, I have begun to believe that the Christian life is the ultimate example of a paradox and I think that It is evident throughout scripture. Many critics of the Bible and Christianity use the fact that they see what appear to be mixed messages or inconsistencies in the Bible to shun God because they say “how can anyone believe in a God who’s teachings contradict themselves or are not consistent”. My answer has always been that those apparent inconsistencies are not inconsistencies at all, but two or multiple truths that are all true within the proper context. I think that my answer has always been true in theory, but I do not think that we live in theory, do we? We live in reality. Sometimes, I think that we can try to live in theory because it’s easier.

Lately, this has led me to try to unearth all the paradoxes that I can from the scripture in an attempt to figure out what God is doing and make sense of them for myself. The conclusion that I came to is that when multiple truths are mentioned on a subject that within the proper situation they are true for that moment and for that instance, but not when improperly applied. Every situation has a correct interpretation and every act has a proper response.

As I thought about what to do with these conclusions, I pondered the impossibility of what God expects of us. I can’t do this. No wonder I constantly feel like I am not getting it right. It’s too hard. Then, God, as He has always done, met me where I was and let me in on a little secret. That secret is that I can’t do it on my own. I need him every second of every day or else I don’t have any shot at all. Then I realized what He has done. The omnipotent, all knowing God of the universe wants me to need him and realize that I do. The big question is to what end? This, to me, is the best part. If I need Him then I will go to Him and then we have a relationship.

My new goal in my Christian life is not to do things, but to solely seek to be in His presence. All God wants is us and we complicate that with stuff that gets in the way. I will read the word, but only if He is there with me. I will do good things for Him, but only if He is there with me. I will go to work, but only if He is there with me. I will go to church, but only if He is there.

In the future, I would like to discuss some of these paradoxes, and there are many, to get some context on the Christian life. In addition, sometimes, other thoughts pop into my head that I would like to share. I look forward to having an opportunity to get closer to Him and write about my thoughts on how that it is going.